Mathematics for CBSE Class 11 Vol 1 and 2 by R D Sharma | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Dhanpat Rai Publications
- Author: R D Sharma
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Mathematics for CBSE Class 11 Vol 1 and 2 by R D Sharma 2023-24 edition.
RD Sharma is a very popular textbook for Mathematics for CBSE Class 11. It covers all the topics prescribed by the CBSE board and is known for its clear and concise explanations, numerous solved examples, and ample practice problems.
The RD Sharma textbook for Class 11 Mathematics covers topics such as sets, relations and functions, trigonometry, algebra, coordinate geometry, calculus, and more. The book has a variety of problems ranging from simple to complex, which help students to understand the concepts better and improve their problem-solving skills.
Apart from the textbook, there are also RD Sharma solutions available online that provide step-by-step solutions to all the problems in the book. These solutions can be very useful for students who are struggling to understand a particular concept or problem.The sincere effort and constant struggle of the author (s) has made it possible for him to introduce new concepts in a simple language so that children are able to grasp them easily. Using attractive illustrations, basic concepts have been explained in a concise manner so that students find them interesting and easy to understand.
Tags: Ref.Book, Class11, CBSEClass11, CBSE, DhanpatRai